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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Review: Saint Death by Mark Dawson

Next in the John Milton series after The Cleaner. Several characters are introduced in the beginning:  the intrepid journalist; the honest Mexican cop due to retire in five days; the bad guys who are really, really bad members of the drug cartel, and, gradually your continuing character, John Milton, now in Mexico. He’s been traveling light after leaving Britain to hide from his former employers.  Throw in an MI5 operative who happens to be a Russian agent and things get complicated when Milton interferes in a cartel hit and gets fingerprinted by the local cops. And then Milton agrees to help an American mercenary deliver the cartel’s leader’s son to his enemies.  Things get messy.

I’m glad I stuck with Dawson.  This 2nd book in the series is so much better than the first. (There were a couple of proofing errors of content, however.) Make no mistake, this stuff is not literature, so the way the plot develops becomes key and this one is above average.

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