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Friday, July 03, 2020

We are doing testing all wrong; how to eliminate COVID-19 in 90 days

There is a way to stop COVID in its tracks without massive disruptions or waiting for vaccinations. It will, however require a strong federal presence because it has to be coordinated on a national level. It could guarantee returning to normal in 90 days from its inception.

Every day the number of those testing positive for COVID-19 increases inflaming a multifarious conglomeration of strategies: masks, no masks, herd immunity, vaccines, withdrawal, fear, etc.

Yet what happens if you do test positive? I haven’t seen any protocol for those who do Do they sequester themselves? Their families? Their contacts? Everything seems hit or miss.

Everyone! Needs to be tested on the same day and the results have to be known immediately, not a week later, not 20 minutes later. The University of Illinois has developed a saliva test that gives close to immediate results. Federal funding is needed to validate this test and produce millions of tests. (

We have a national election when most people go to the polls so the idea of having everyone do something on a particular day is not unprecedented. This cannot be a matter of choice. Make it a national holiday. Everyone should report to their local polling place where trained volunteers --in appropriate garb, who have been tested themselves -- will administer the tests.

Those who test positive will be required to be quarantined (enforced by electronic monitoring) with their families for three weeks or until such time as everyone in the family tests negative. They will receive a monetary stipend (or if employed continued salary by their employer) and instructions on how to get food delivered as well as free internet service via hotspot and a laptop if they don’t have one. There will be penalties for those who violate the quarantine. If sick they will receive free medical attention funded by Medicare. Those who don’t show up for testing will be required to isolate for two weeks to be enforced by law enforcement. But if there are enough incentives, participation should be close to 100%

Those who test negative will receive a certificate and are free to go to work or whatever. That will help open the economy and permit opening the schools without any issues.

This national testing day will continue every two weeks for 90 days. By that time the virus should have been completely isolated and die out.

Yes, it will require federal leadership, but the result is a thriving economy so the incentives should be huge. It would require a bi-partisan task force to design and implement, but this needs to be treated as a national emergency that threatens all of us. Presidential commitment is required but he need not do the work, just take the credit for his vocal support. There is an opportunity for companies to participate in a positive way. They can donate time, materials, whatever so it becomes a matter of national pride and competition to see who can do the most.

The sooner we start the sooner we can get out from under this nightmare.


Unknown said...


An excellent idea for a functional nation/country. However, we live in a "country" where two counties can't even get together in most states, and young people are playing "who can get Covid-19 first" games. Stupid is apparently the prevailing trend.


Welch's Rarebits said...

But it's a huge opportunity for the business community to unite with government (or pressure government) to do something. They are in a position to gain a great deal but also to provide incentives for people to participate. If one of the incentives is that we won't hire anyone without a COVID free certificate (like a driver's license) that would be a mighty incentive.