NATIONAL JOURNAL: Cheney 'Authorized' Libby to Leak Classified Information (02/09/2006)
Apparently, Libby has revealed to investigators, that VP Cheney had authorized him to reveal classified information in order to defend administration policy.
Regarding the shooting accident: Perhaps one bright outcome will be that Supreme Court Justice Scalia might be less inclined to go hunting with Cheney permitting fewer opportunities for Cheney to attempt influencing court decisions.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Arrogance Leading to Ignorance
Foreign Affairs - Intelligence, Policy,and the War in Iraq - Paul R. Pillar
Paul Pillar was a senior Middle East analyst for the intelligence community. In this paper published in Foreign Affairs he argues that the Bush Administration ignored the expert analysis of the Middle East that was readily available to them and had made the decision to go to war long before 9/11 and irrespective of the WMD debate.
Paul Pillar was a senior Middle East analyst for the intelligence community. In this paper published in Foreign Affairs he argues that the Bush Administration ignored the expert analysis of the Middle East that was readily available to them and had made the decision to go to war long before 9/11 and irrespective of the WMD debate.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Pay More; Get Less
James Surowiecki considers the state of executive compensation in the most recent issue of The New Yorker. The SEC, dominated by Republicans, has issued new rules that require companies to tell us what they pay their C.E.O.s. This should have been a cause for celebration. Companies can still pay whatever they want, they just have to tell about it now. Shareholders are becoming concerned and it would appear with good reason. The immense pay packages are affecting the bottom line. Consider the following:
>A study done recently at Rutgers that examined company performance from 1992 to 2001, found that the more a C.E.O. was paid relative to his peers, "the more likely his company was to underperform in the stock market;
>some packages, especially those with "golden parachutes" which guarantee huge payoffs if their companies are acquiired, encourage executives to sell out;
>there is evidence that exeuctives whose pay is linked to stock performance are more likely to commit fraud to jack up the stock portfolios;
>between 1993 and 2003 "the top five executives at fifteen hundred companies in the U.S. were paid $350,000,000,000 [yes, you read that correctly, billion].
>A study done recently at Rutgers that examined company performance from 1992 to 2001, found that the more a C.E.O. was paid relative to his peers, "the more likely his company was to underperform in the stock market;
>some packages, especially those with "golden parachutes" which guarantee huge payoffs if their companies are acquiired, encourage executives to sell out;
>there is evidence that exeuctives whose pay is linked to stock performance are more likely to commit fraud to jack up the stock portfolios;
>between 1993 and 2003 "the top five executives at fifteen hundred companies in the U.S. were paid $350,000,000,000 [yes, you read that correctly, billion].
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Feynman quote
"Not knowing is much more interesting than believing something that might be wrong."
The beauty of physics is that it is a journey not a destination.
The beauty of physics is that it is a journey not a destination.
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