Goodreads | Eric_W Welch (Forreston, IL)'s review of Midnight Sin:
A very interesting police procedural with some minor flaws that, for me, did not detract from my enjoyment of the book. It follows the experiences of Hollins, a rookie cop, in a mythical suburb of Kansas City. Hollings' first test involves a gas station holdup where Burkitt, a rather self-absorbed cop who wants nothing more than to be a detective, arrives first on the scene, followed by Hollings and Thompson, his training officer. What happens next is the subject of an IAD investigation but Hollins and Thompson are shot, not badly wounded, Thompson shoots the perp in the ass, Burkitt shoots out an exit sign, but all exit seemingly unscathed. Then a series of rapes occur, Hollings gets suckered into doing some things he shouldn't, and IA starts to look into several things. And watch out for the three Bees. "Yeah, that happens. But a young, smart kid like you won't be on patrol very long. Keep out of trouble and you'll move up the ranks real fast. Just watch out for those three B’s." "Three bees?” "Yeah, booze, broads and bucks. If you get into a bind in any one of those, you get all fucked up. Almost any time a cop's career got ruined, it was over one of those things." And especially Bullet Brenda.
Reminiscent of early Wambaugh, although I found the POV shifts from third to first person jarring. That and occasional missteps like the following: "face of innocence just wreaked [sic] of being a cop. " I also found the ending quite unsatisfactory, but if it's the first book in a possible series, excusable, I suppose.
Nevertheless, if you like gritty, authentic cop stories, this is a good one.
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