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Saturday, November 17, 2012


I see there are petitions garnering a lot of support in Texas promoting secession from the United States. Much like little children who want to take their marbles and go home when they don't get their way, calls like this surface both on the right and left. (Vermont has petitions like this occasionally, too. In fact, every state has some wacko group promoting secession.)

The fact is that signing a petition calling for secession is saying, "I don't want to be a citizen of the United States any more." I think we should honor all those requests. It's simple. Collect the names of those signing the petitions and cancel their citizenship. Have a hearing (due process is important) and if they stand by their secession desire, collect their passport and give them a green card (assuming they have a job.) Of course they would lose any Medicare or Social Security benefits they might be receiving, but that's what they want, right?


Tasha Squires said...

I totally agree. Why not let them get the heck out. Beginning to think that letting the South go in the Civil War wouldn't have been such a bad thing, except for the slavery issue. But what do you bet they would have been trying to invade the north from time to time like the crusades. Don't really want Texas in the union, but don't want them for a neighbor either. Oh, I know, we could make a really big fence to keep them out. Good fences make good neighbors and all that! :)

Tasha Squires said...
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Welch's Rarebits said...

Sorry Tasha. I get so few comments that I posted yours twice and then had to delete one of them.