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Tuesday, April 02, 2019

"No Collusion" as a Russian Sideshow

Trump's constant "no collusion" refrains, seen from a different perspective, would almost "prove" he is, perhaps unwittingly -- or not. helping the Russians in their campaign to diminish respect for American reliance and respect for democracy and government. The purpose of the Mueller investigation was to examine whether and how Russia might have interfered with the 2018 election. It has done so quite brilliantly and we now know the Russians did, in fact, utilize social media to foment discord and disrespect for our governmental institutions. That Trump encouraged that disrespect with his constant harping on "the swamp" in Washington, misogyny, hatred of any form of regulation, whipping up fear of alien invasion from the south, and general control of the news cycle though his manipulation of the media, might otherwise lead any observer to believe he was literally working for the Russians.

By focusing on the "no collusion found" refrain, not only does the Mueller report become relegated to the back-burner, the contents of that report become completely suspect. Lost in the Trump verbiage (which the GOP has swallowed hook, line, and sinker) are the indictments of 13 Russians and 3 Russian companies for meddling with the election. The Russians could not have asked for a better partner than Trump in their campaign to disrupt American Democracy and to destroy respect for its institutions.

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