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Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Democrats' Predicament

 I don't like to make predictions, but I'll go out on a limb and suggest the Democrats will suffer severe reversals in the Senate and House in 2022 and lose the presidential election in 2024.  I'll try to explain why, but hope I'm very wrong.

The problem is one of language.  Liberals seem unable to develop pithy slogans that don't need an explanation. "Defund the Police" is a perfect example. It means many different things to many people, but risks alienating a large portion of the population, especially those who have to rely on the police in bad neighborhoods.  Much better would be "Help the Police" and use that to rebuild police departments and eliminate systemic racism. They also label issues in such a way so as to irritate a potential constituency, not to mention their existing dwindling base.  Couple that with no longer having a doofus in the White House and the losses become inevitable. Here are the major problematic areas.

1. Mitch McConnell
      McConnell is a brilliant tactician who loves power and control of the Senate. He also knows that by hindering Democratic plans he can make it appear Biden can't get anything done. We can already see him in action by short-circuiting the Biden stimulus proposal. A substantial number of people want and need some kind of relief. We can quibble about the form it takes, but the Democrats need to write a plan to fits the needs of Senate Republicans. By layering in all sorts of other wishes, they give McConnell ammunition to attack the plan. Biden will look inept. Sure, the Democrats might be able to change the rules of the Senate to eliminate the filibuster, but that would surely come back to haunt them, just as the cloture rules change got them Barrett, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh.  There are alternatives; unfortunately, Biden is simply following the old rules and throwing money at the problem rather than addressing the very real systemic problems faced by the working class.  Yang's guaranteed annual income, a proposal first developed by Friedrich Hayek darling of the libertarians, and then supported by Nixon and McGovern, might be one approach.

2. Climate Change
      The GOP has been successful at linking climate change to job loss. It's baloney, of course, but there is no question that to truly address the very real problem of climate change there will have to be a change in the standard of living.  It's that standard that causes the problem. It's truly ironic that the most effective reduction in CO2 has been the pandemic. There's a lesson there. Not to mention that any successful reduction in this country would be offset by economic improvements in other countries who will bridle at any suggestion from us that they give up the prospect of goodies that we enjoy.  
      Far better would be to focus on issues like clean water, clean energy, and clean air.  Everyone wants those things and how does one argue against a program to have clean water? Yet approaching each of these issues separately is more effective and the result, if done creatively, would reduce carbon emissions. "Climate Change" and "Carbon Tax" are non-starters because they immediately raise the specter of taxes and change. Anathema to the voters. A complete lack of creativity in language.

3. Gun Control
      I have no love of firearms, but at least 30% of the Democratic base own guns and love them. "Gun Control" raises their ire instantly without any benefit from the slogan. Much better would be to create a coalition of people to build an alternative to the NRA.  Perhaps, the American Rifle Association that would focus on training, instruction in safe handling, etc. and use that organization to lobbying for gun safety, perhaps trigger locks, background checks (phrased as keeping weapons out of the hands of mentally ill and terrorists,) etc.  It's about language.  "Gun Safety" works a lot better than "Gun Control" and doesn't risk the whole 2nd Amendment silliness.

4. Immigration
      We need immigrants. They provide stimulus to the economy, are hard-working, and just like their Irish, Italien, and other national predecessors will bring enthusiasm and eagerness (not to mention tax paying) to the country. Perception is all and the GOP have capitalized on a very real fear of change that many have. Those fears must be addressed and calmed. Failure to do so will doom the Democrats.

I'm sure there are many other examples of the Democrat's failure to use language to their advantage. Without a complete overhaul of how they talk about problems and use language to attract rather than nettle voters, future elections will not go their way. 

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