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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Goodreads | Eric_W Welch (Forreston, IL)'s review of The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook, a Tale of Sex, Money, Genius and Betrayal

Goodreads | Eric_W Welch (Forreston, IL)'s review of The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook, a Tale of Sex, Money, Genius and Betrayal:

If you have seen the movie, The Social Network, you already know the plot. Filled with the purported conversations of college students from years ago, one must remain somewhat skeptical. However, I get really nervous when the author describes taking a flight from New York to San Francisco on a 757 “wide-body.” (It’s a narrow-body.)

Mezrich, himself, says several of the characters are composites (more red flags,) and some reviewers have complained the book was too long and boring. I listened to it as an audiobook while mowing the lawn, so my expectations in that regard aren’t terribly high, and I did enjoy - or at least found interesting - the legal stuff, i.e. really rich students suing other really rich students while sucking at daddy’s teat.

One does wonder what Zuckerberg might have accomplished had he been studying philosophy instead of computer science.   The social outcast as future billionaire.  Mostly the characters come across as very unhappy people.

Amusing, but take with a block of salt. The author himself has noted elsewhere that he was making do with limited sources, but that the point of the book was not to be history but rather a commentary on the values of current culture.  I understand [book:Bringing Down the House: The Inside Story of Six M.I.T. Students Who Took Vegas for Millions|514313] is a better representation of what the author can do.

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