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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fox and O'Reilly screw up again.

The New York Times:

Wait a minute: wasn't gas sup­posed to be $5 a gal­lon now, cost­ing $75 for that same trip? Let's re­turn to the ex­perts:
"Cer­tain­ly, this sum­mer, we'll see the high­est gas prices in years." So said House Speak­er John Boeh­ner, in Feb­ru­ary.
"Right now we're head­ed to­ward $5 a gal­lon and by the end of sum­mer - maybe 6." That was Bill O'Reil­ly, of Fox News, in the same month.
"They're gonna go to $5, $6, $7." And that was Don­ald Trump in April, show­ing why he's no bet­ter at pre­dict­ing fu­el prices than he is at read­ing pub­lic doc­u­ments from the state of Ha­waii."

So if Obama was t get the blame, shouldn't he get the credit?

 "Last year, for the first time since 1949, the Unit­ed States ex­port­ed more pe­tro­leum prod­ucts than it im­port­ed, the En­ergy De­part­ment re­port­ed."

'via Blog this'

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